Monday, September 15, 2008

Generate Free Traffic


2 most effective way in which you can generate free exposure to your site or blog - to effectively generate free exposure to your site or blog, you need to submit free articles to article directories or use free articles from article directories. By utilizing free article content from article directories and onto your blogs, and message board, forum you generate free traffic.

Generate free traffic. - they feel that you are an expert and want to hear what you have to say. By adding fresh content on your site or blog will keep your visitors coming back for more info. Add free written articles on your blog or website on a regular basis. Its easy, just go to the article directories select your topic and put it on your site or blog. Create ebooks. It can be done with no extra thinking on your part.

By reading and submitting articles and having a site or blog, can make you an expert on any topic. - with free articles you can create your own network of" niche" websites. Once you have built up your visitors or clientele you can now get ready to create an e - book and sell it on ebay or other auctions. With each article that you use, you can create a blog or website and generate affiliate programs and Google adsense income. You can create 100s or even 1000s of blogs with the adsenses. Just think of the possibilities.

Remember, to get paid good money it' s a numbers game. - don' t forget, to write and submit your free articles. Write and Submit you articles. It creates instant backlinks when someone uses your articles. When article directories market their business you are included once you submit your article. It' s free promotion and free targeted traffic.

Also, as editors receive informative content to send to their subscribers, you will receive exposure in exchange. - it is considered viral marketing. Submitting and using free articles are very effective. Its a win win situation for editors and publishers.

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