Your site build it site isn't working like you thought it would? try these tips... - so, you' ve bought site build it, you' ve followed the action guide, you' ve started to get some visitor traffic. and you' re not making a dime. Well without seeing your site, it could be any number of things. but here' s some tips to get you started.
What' s wrong? - if you are using site build it as a way of selling products as an affiliate, are you pre - selling( doing reviews, pointing out the good and bad points in products, recommending other resources to back up your analysis) or are you trying to pitch your visitors on buying your merchants products or services? Warm your visitor up with some unbiased advice that actually helps her feel comfortable in taking action and' Clicking' on your affiliate link to learn more. As Ken says in the SBI Action Guide, to maximize affiliate sales, don' t sell, PRE - sell. If everything you write is just a pitch, a one sided, or worse recommendation for something you are just trying to flog, you' re results will be dismal. Plus, if your recommendation is a good one and she is happy with her buying experience, the next time she gets a product recommendation from you, she' ll seriously consider buying it.
However, if you add genuine value to your readers lives by doing a genuine expose of the good and bad points about the products you review, you' ll save her hours of searching around on her own through a bewildering array of products to find what she needs. - does your new website visitor trust you? Site Build It is a great tool for attracting targeted visitors, but as you know, we' re all on guard when we arrive at a new website. Probably not. To your visitor, you are just a nameless, faceless web page out there in cold cyberspace. And at this stage, all she probably wants is some free information. Like thousands of others, you are trying to sell her something.
Give her what she needs, share your thoughts, romance her and experience with the product. - tell her a little about yourself, maybe put your picture somewhere on your site so she knows what you look like and gets to know you a little better over time. Try to get her onto a list with a free bonus offer and build a relationship with her. Then, when you recommend a product to her, tell her the full story( what' s in it for her) so she can make an informed decision, then recommend your merchant to her and many times she will buy. Build a List. You might have noticed this mentioned above, but I' ll say it again.
Build a list. - your most important asset will be your customer and prospect lists. Build a list. Yes, lists. You need at least two lists. It' s no use building a great Site Build It site, attracting hundreds od thousands of visitors, and then watching them disappear into the sunset without leaving you money. Have one list for customers, those valuable people who have purchased from you, and another list for prospects, those valuable people who have given you permission to keep in touch so they can purchase from you in the future.
You might need more than two if you have multiple niches or products that aren' t exactly related. - sure, people can be on both lists, but make sure you get them on a list! So do that. Simple. An food qualify autoresponder service is an inexpensive tool that will let you have an unlimited number of lists, each with an unlimited number of subscribers. OK! ! Write more articles and submit them to Article Directories.
One last thing. - this one strategy, will help you, handled properly become an authority in your niche or area of expertise in a very short period of time. You' ll become a known and trusted authority in your market and you should be able to make a lot more money as a result. Do enough of this and other people will seek you out and ask you to Joint Venture with them. Tackle these three things now, and sit back and watch the results your Site Build It site achieves for you.
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